Overhead Door Company of Portland is a Proud Sponsor of Ride For A Child
For the past 18 years, a group of dedicated cyclists have joined together to support Candlelighters For Children With Cancer through a fundraising event called Ride For A Child (RFAC). This extraordinary group of cyclists raises funds and awareness about the impacts of childhood cancer on the WHOLE family by riding as a team in Cycle Oregon’s Classic or Ride It Your Way. Groups of riders are paired with a child who has recently battled cancer, named an honored child. These cyclists actually Ride For A Child – and raise awareness and support for Candlelighters along the way.
Candlelighters provides financial assistance, family support, and in-hospital services to children with cancer and their families in Oregon and SW Washington, serving more than 85,000 family members since 1977. Last year, Ride For A Child raised over $220,000. The goal this year is to increase that number to $300,000.
For more information, visit: http://rideforachild.org/